9,120 research outputs found

    Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the dynamics of liquid barrels

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    We study the relaxation towards equilibrium of a liquid barrel—a partially wetting droplet in a wedge geometry—using a diffuse-interface approach. We formulate a hydrodynamic model of the motion of the barrel in the framework of the Navier-Stokes and Cahn-Hilliard equations of motion. We present a lattice-Boltzmann method to integrate the diffuse-interface equations, where we introduce an algorithm to model the dynamic wetting of the liquid on smooth solid boundaries. We present simulation results of the over-damped dynamics of the liquid barrel. We find that the relaxation of the droplets is driven by capillary forces and damped by friction forces. We show that the friction is determined by the contribution of the bulk flow, the corner flow near the contact lines and the motion of the contact lines by comparing simulation results for the relaxation time of the barrel. Our results are in broad agreement with previous analytical predictions based on a sharp interface model

    Contextual Centrality: Going Beyond Network Structures

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    Centrality is a fundamental network property which ranks nodes by their structural importance. However, structural importance may not suffice to predict successful diffusions in a wide range of applications, such as word-of-mouth marketing and political campaigns. In particular, nodes with high structural importance may contribute negatively to the objective of the diffusion. To address this problem, we propose contextual centrality, which integrates structural positions, the diffusion process, and, most importantly, nodal contributions to the objective of the diffusion. We perform an empirical analysis of the adoption of microfinance in Indian villages and weather insurance in Chinese villages. Results show that contextual centrality of the first-informed individuals has higher predictive power towards the eventual adoption outcomes than other standard centrality measures. Interestingly, when the product of diffusion rate pp and the largest eigenvalue λ1\lambda_1 is larger than one and diffusion period is long, contextual centrality linearly scales with eigenvector centrality. This approximation reveals that contextual centrality identifies scenarios where a higher diffusion rate of individuals may negatively influence the cascade payoff. Further simulations on the synthetic and real-world networks show that contextual centrality has the advantage of selecting an individual whose local neighborhood generates a high cascade payoff when pλ1<1p \lambda_1 < 1. Under this condition, stronger homophily leads to higher cascade payoff. Our results suggest that contextual centrality captures more complicated dynamics on networks and has significant implications for applications, such as information diffusion, viral marketing, and political campaigns

    Fitting and selecting scattering data

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    The main purpose of scattering experiments is to unveil the underlying structure of the colliding particles and their interaction. Typically one measures scattering observables (cross sections and polarizations) at discrete angles and energies and mutually consistent data may validate or falsify proposed theories or models. However, the accumulation of data from different laboratories while potentially improves the statistical significance it may sometimes generate mutually inconsistent data as a side-effect. Thus, some decision has to be made on what are the maximal amount of data which are mutually compatible. We show elastic πN\pi N and NNNN scattering as prominent examples where this selection is called for. We discuss how it can be done in a self-consistent manner invoking a principle of maximal consensus of the database and with the help of a sufficiently flexible model involving a minimal number of theoretical assumptions. In the NN case this has become possible with a combination of long distance field theoretical constraints at the hadronic level such as pion exchanges and electromagnetic effects and a coarse graining of the unknown interaction over the shortest de Broglie wavelength being probed in the scattering process.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk presented by ERA at XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure - Hadron2017, Salamanca, 25-29 September 201

    Análisis del tratamiento en la prensa de la discapacidad y dependencia en la Comunidad Valenciana. Cobertura informativa de El País, Levante EMV y Las Provincias

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932 Curs acadèmic: 2013-2014Hoy en día los medios de comunicación tienen un papel muy importante en la divulgación de la información sobre discapacidad y dependencia. Cualquier noticia que abarque este tema podría ser leída por miles de personas, sean dependientes, familiares, o personas interesadas. En la Comunidad Valenciana este tipo de noticias se han visto incrementadas en los últimos años tras la publicación de la Ley 39/2006 de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia, junto a una serie de medidas y reformas que han provocado gran disconformidad entre la ciudadanía. Es por eso que tanto la prensa estatal como la local publica prácticamente todas las semanas informaciones sobre copagos, cierre de escuelas, manifestaciones, etc. Así pues, con el objetivo de averiguar qué tipo de información ofrecen los diarios de referencia más leídos en el sector valenciano sobre este tema, el estudio se centra en analizar la cobertura informativa de El País, Levante EMV y Las Provincias desde la publicación de la Ley (2007) hasta 2013, ambos inclusive, y lo hace mediante un análisis de contenido. Al final de la investigación podremos ver la falta de profundización en la información que ofrece la prensa sobre el sector de la discapacidad y dependencia, centrada mayoritariamente en aspectos políticos o económicos. También veremos como el tratamiento informativo entre distintos diarios no tiene diferencias significativas sino que, más bien, todos siguen la misma línea en lo que a autoría, localización, días de publicación, tamaño de los artículos o fuentes utilizadas se refiere.Nowadays mass media have an important role in the publication of information on disability and dependency. Any news revolving around this subject could be read by thousands of people, dependents themselves, family, or simply people interested. The information about this subject has increased and has become more visible in Valencia after the publication of Law 39/2006 on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in situations of dependency, along with measures and reforms that have caused a great dissatisfaction among citizens. Consequently, issues such as co-payments, closure of schools, demonstrations, etc. have been raised almost weekly by local and state press. Therefore, in order to find out what kind information do the Valencian reference newspapers offer on the subject, this study focuses on analyzing the coverage carried out by El País, Levante EMV and Las Provincias since the publication of the Law (2007) to 2013, both years included. At the end of the investigation one can see the lack of informative deepening about disability and dependency, mainly focused on the economical and political aspects. It is also discussed how the coverage doesn’t present a significant difference between newspapers but, follow the same line in accordance with the author, location, day of publication, size of the articles and sources used

    Escala de actitudes hacia la tecnología en la labor docente aplicada a profesores de primaria de informática educativa en Costa Rica. Análisis de validez y confiabilidad

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    Artículo retractado. This paper examines the results obtained from the validity and reliability analysis of the constructed “Attitudes Toward Technology in Teaching” scale. Data were collected from 319 tutors and teachers of educational informatics working in Costa Rican public primary schools. The schools work under the National Program on Educational Informatics for grades I to VI of the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and the Omar Dengo Foundation. The scale was first composed of 115 items which sere divided into eleven categories. Further analysis allowed a reordering of the categories and the removal of several items with factor loadings lower than 0.4 and correlations lower than 0.3. The reliability analysis resulted in a Cronbach's coefficient alpha of 0.8985, leading to the conclusion that the scale is reliable. Finally, taking into account the obtained results, a new scales was constructed with 41 items, grouped in seven categories and subdivided into two dimensions.Artículo Retractado. En este documento se presenta el resultado del análisis de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Tecnología en la Labor Docente, aplicada a 319 tutores y maestros de informática educativa de educación primaria pública en Costa Rica, cuyos centros educativos están adscritos al Programa Nacional de Informática Educativa para I y II Ciclos del Ministerio de Educación Pública y de la Fundación Omar Dengo. La escala inicial estuvo conformada por 115 ítemes divididos en once categorías. Los análisis realizados permitieron un reordenamiento de las categorías de la escala y desechar varios ítemes cuyas cargas factoriales eran inferiores a 0.4 y correlaciones inferiores a 0.3. En el análisis de confiabilidad se obtuvo un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.8985 para concluir que la escala final tiene una muy buena consistencia interna. Finalmente, con los resultados obtenidos se construyó una nueva escala con 41 ítemes agrupados en siete categorías y estas en dos dimensiones

    En torno a discursos y representaciones del nacionalismo católico en México

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    El nacionalismo mexicano tuvo en su origen vínculos con el discurso religioso. Tras una primera fase de ruptura frente a la monarquía hispánica, donde recurrió a la leyenda negra antiespañola, la vertiente conservadora fundada por Lucas Alamán fue modelando un nacionalismo a contracorriente del Estado revolucionario, con sus propios rasgos definitorios aunque no exento de variaciones entre sus exponentes. Entre ellos el hispanismo y el hispanoamericanismo, el guadalupanismo, la aversión hacia Estados Unidos y el protestantismo, la reivindicación de héroes nacionales contrapuestos a los de la historiografía liberal y, a veces, la idea de que México tiene una misión especial por cumplir dentro del plan divino.Mexican nationalism was originally linked to religious discourse. After a first phase of rupture before the Spanish monarchy, where it turned to the anti-Spanish Black Legend, the conservative side founded by Lucas Alaman started a wave of nationalism designed to counter the revolutionary State, with its own defining features, although not without variations among its exponents. Among these variations were Hispanism and Hispanoamericanism, Guadalupanism, the aversion to the US and Protestantism, the vindication of national heroes in opposition to those of liberal historiography, and sometimes the idea that Mexico has a special mission to fulfill within the divine plan.Fil: Ruiz Velasco Barba, Rodrigo. Universidad Panamericana (México